
or select a section:
1: Direct Ascent
2: Earth Orbit Rendezvous (EOR)
3: EOR & Saturn
4: Lunar Orbit Rendezvous (LOR)
5: Early Lunar Module (LM) Design
6: The LM's, 1 & 2
7: LM2
8: LM2 Interior
9: LM Descent Stage
10: LM Ascent Stage
The Lunar Module (LM) was the lunar landing
vehicle used in the Apollo missions to the Moon (1969-1972). The
LM on display at the National Air and Space Museum is LM2. Dr. Robert
Craddock of the National Air and Space Museum's Center for Earth
and Planetary Studies describes some of the key decisions that led
to the use of the Lunar Module, its design, and some of the features
of the Museum's Lunar Module 2.
Module 2 at the Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space
Museum. 87k jpg
Smithsonian Institution, photo #99-15232 by Eric Long. All rights